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This Privacy Policy provides information about the processing of your personal data on this website and in the context of other services at Salzburg Airport (hereinafter “we”, “us”). 
- Articles 1 to 4 provide general information (e.g. on your rights).
- Articles 5 to 14 provide information about data processing on this website.
- Articles 15 to 20 provide information about data processing outside of this website (e.g. data processing for issuing of Airport IDs).
Please click on the Article titles below to learn more about the indicated topics and the respective processing of your personal data. Within this Privacy Policy, “GDPR” shall denote the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 while “DSG” shall denote the Austrian Federal Act concerning the Protection of Personal Data (Datenschutzgesetz).

1. Controllers and Contact Details
2. Your Rights
3. Transfer of Personal Data
4. Retention Period
5. Newsletter Registration
6. Online Job Applications
7. Other Website Input: Contact Form, Parking Reservation, Handling Request, PPR Request, Prize Draws, Media Portal, Flight Booking, Car Rental, Hotel Booking
8. Log Files
9. Cookies
10. AccessWidget
11. Social Media Plug-ins
12. Google Analytics 4
13. Google Maps
14. YouTube
15. Phone Calls and Emails
16. Film Shoots and Photographs
17. Video Surveillance at Salzburg Airport
18. Airport ID Cards
19. Parking
20. General Aviation Handling Service


1. Controllers and Contact Details

When using this website, contacting Salzburg Airport via phone call or email and when using other services of Salzburg Airport, various legal entities may be responsible for data protection regulations, depending on the subject of inquiry. Please read this Article or click on the respective Article title (e.g. “Airport IDs”) for an overview of Controllers. 
Regarding job applications for vacancies published on our website (see Article 6), all three Companies of Salzburg Airport Group listed below may function as Controllers, depending on which company you applied to. The following list provides an overview of potential Controllers and their respective contact details:

1.1 Companies within Salzburg Airport Group
Salzburger Flughafen GmbH
Innsbrucker Bundesstraße 95
5020 Salzburg / Austria
FN 61365v at Regional Court of Salzburg
Email address: MTS0MJ5mL2u1qUcNp2SfrzW1pzpgLJylpT9lqP5uqN==

Salzburger Flughafen GmbH is the operator of this website and therefore is the Controller concerned for most data processing issues regarding this website (e.g. log files, social media, newsletter registration).

Carport Parkmanagement GmbH
Innsbrucker Bundesstraße 95
5020 Salzburg / Österreich
FN 199272y at Regional Court of Salzburg
Email address: MTS0MJ5mL2u1qUcNp2SfrzW1pzpgLJylpT9lqP5uqN==

Carport Parkmanagement GmbH is in charge of parking services at Salzburg Airport and operates the information counter at the arrivals hall. Therefore, Carport Parkmanagement GmbH is the Controller concerned for data processing regarding parking issues (e.g. inquiries on parking) and the information counter (e.g. inquiries on infrastructure at the Airport, public transport connections, flight schedules).

Secport Security Services GmbH
Innsbrucker Bundesstraße 95
5020 Salzburg / Österreich
FN 378128x at Regional Court of Salzburg
Email address: MTS0MJ5mL2u1qUcNp2SfrzW1pzpgLJylpT9lqP5uqN==

1.2 External Controllers 
The following entities further process your personal data as external Controllers and are not legal entities within Salzburg Airport Group.

RMK GmbH (Vilbeler Landstraße 203, 60388 Frankfurt/Main, Germany)
RMK GmbH operates a flight booking tool via an iFrame on our website section “Flight Search & Bookings”: Personal data entered into the form is collected and processed by RMK GmbH. Further information is available in Article 7 “Other Website Inputs“.

Sunny Cars GmbH (Paul-Gerhardt-Allee 42, 81245 Munich, Germany)
Sunny Cars GmbH operates a car rental tool via an iFrame on our website section “Car Rentals”: Personal data entered into the form is collected and processed by Sunny Cars GmbH. Further information is available in Article 7 “Other Website Inputs“. B.V. (Herengracht 597, 017 CE Amsterdam, The Netherlands) B.V. operates a hotel booking tool via an iFrame on our website section “Hotel Booking”: Personal data entered into the form is collected and processed by B.V. Further information is available in Article 7 “Other Website Inputs“.

1.3 Disclaimer
Please contact the Controller concerned for further questions regarding the processing of your personal data. In case of doubt, please contact Salzburger Flughafen GmbH (see Article 1).

2. Your Rights

Regarding the processing of your personal data, you are entitled to exercise the following rights (subject to applicable law):

  • to verify whether the Controller has stored your personal data, which data they have stored, and to obtain a copy of this data.
  • to demand rectification, integration, and erasure of your personal data in case it is incorrect or has not been processed in compliance with legal requirements.
  • to demand restrictions in the extent of personal data processing by the Controller.
  • to revoke processing of your personal data and to withdraw any previously given consent to process personal data, if permissible.
  • to demand data portability.
  • to obtain contact details of third parties that have received your personal data.
  • to lodge a complaint with the competent authority.

You have the aforementioned rights vis-à-vis the respective data Controller. Please find the Controller concerned in Article 1 “Controllers and Contact” and Article 5 and following of this Privacy Policy. For further questions, please contact the Controller concerned. In case of doubt, please contact Salzburger Flughafen GmbH (see Article 1).

3. Transfer of Personal Data

For the respective purposes of data processing (see Articles 5 to 20 of this Privacy Policy), we are entitled to transfer your personal data to the following recipients:

  • IT service providers and web agencies appointed by us.
  • Companies within Salzburg Airport Group (Salzburg Flughafen GmbH, Carport Parkmanagement GmbH, Secport Security Services GmbH; see Article 1).
  • airlines.
  • operators of social media platforms.
  • shipping service providers appointed by us.
  • Google Analytics 4 (see Article 12).
  • media representatives and SAM magazine subscribers (as regards Article 16 “Film Shoots and Photographs”).

Some of the aforementioned recipients are located outside your country or process personal data outside your jurisdiction. Data protection levels in other countries may not correspond to the level in your jurisdiction. However, we exclusively transfer your personal data to jurisdictions that are considered to maintain appropriate data protection levels by the European Commission or we take measures to ensure that all recipients maintain appropriate data protection levels.

4. Retention Period

Please find information on retention periods of collected data here or by clicking the respective Article title (Article 5 and following, e.g. by clicking on Article 18 “Airport ID Cards”). We solely store your data for the time period needed to pursue the respective processing purpose, until you withdraw previously given consent or for the time period required by legal obligations. 
The legal retention period for fiscal documents (e.g. VAT-relevant documents) and business letters generally terminates after seven years. If no designated legal retention period applies, the actual retention period will depend on the timespan your data is needed to fulfil its purpose of processing (e.g. contact details are stored until an inquiry has been conclusively answered or for the time period you wish to receive newsletters).
In case you have further questions regarding retention periods, please contact the Controller concerned (see Article 1, Article 5 and following by clicking the respective title). In case of doubt, please contact Salzburger Flughafen GmbH (see Article 1).

5. Newsletter Registration

5.1 Outline, Scope, and Purpose of Data Processing
You can find the registration form for our newsletter on our website You are not obligated to provide all details requested in the newsletter registration form. However, in case you fail to do so, you may not receive the newsletter. Except for details provided by yourself in the newsletter registration form, no further personal data is collected. For the purpose of improving our newsletter, we analyse specific parameters pertaining to newsletter usage (e.g. usage of hyperlinks and email clients). The resulting analyses are solely based on anonymised data which does not allow you to be identified.
The Controller concerned with newsletter registration is Salzburger Flughafen GmbH. Please find the contact details in Article 1 (“Controllers and Contact Details”) of this Privacy Policy. The purpose of processing data is to send you our newsletter.

5.2 Legal Basis for Data Processing
The legal basis for processing your personal data is your consent to newsletter registration in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1a) and our overriding legitimate interest to analyse and improve our newsletter service in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1f).

5.3 Transfer of Personal Data
Salzburger Flughafen GmbH uses the services of CleverReach GmbH & Co. KG (based in Rastede, Germany) to offer its newsletter service. CleverReach GmbH & Co. KG uses the details provided to send the newsletter to subscribers. If you have registered for the newsletter as part of a survey conducted by Netigate Deutschland GmbH, your e-mail address will also be transmitted to Netigate Deutschland GmbH.

5.4 Retention Period
We solely store your data for the time period you wish to receive our newsletter.

5.5 Your Rights
Please refer to Article 2 of this Privacy Policy (“Your Rights”) to learn more about your rights regarding the processing of your personal data.

6. Online Job Applications

6.1 Outline, Scope, and Purpose of Data Processing
This Article of the Privacy Policy provides information on the usage of your personal data related to job applications. Our website offers the opportunity to apply for vacancies and to send unsolicited applications directly. In case you send us a job application in printed form or via email, the details provided in this application are processed in the same way as the data in an online application.
The protection of our applicants’ personal data is of key importance to us. Therefore, we shall handle your personal data and documents with utmost care and discretion and shall exclusively use them with regards to your job application. Depending on the job position you apply for, one of the following legal entities (hereinafter “we”) is the Controller concerned:

  • Salzburger Flughafen GmbH
  • Carport Parkmanagement GmbH
  • Secport Security Services GmbH

The Controller’s contact details may be found in Article 1 (“Controllers and Contact Details”) of this Privacy Policy. 
This Article outlines how your personal data is processed as regards a job application. We process the data that you provide. You are not obligated to provide the details requested in the application process. However, failing to do so may impede us from handling your application properly. The purpose of processing data is to recruit workforce for Salzburger Flughafen GmbH and its subsidiaries (Carport Parkmanagement GmbH, Secport Security Services GmbH).

6.2 Legal Basis for Data Processing
We process the following personal data due to our overriding legitimate interest in accordance with GDPR Article 10 in conjunction with DSG Section 4(3 no. 2), aiming to ensure reliability of our workforce as operators of a civil airport:

  • criminal record entries.

Regarding other personal data provided in the application form, the legal basis for data processing is the implementation of pre-contractual measures upon your request in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1b) and your consent in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1a).

6.3 Transfer of Personal Data
For the aforementioned purposes, we may transfer your personal data to the following recipients:

  • IT service providers appointed by us.
  • other Companies of Salzburg Airport Group (i.e. Salzburger Flughafen GmbH, Secport Security Services GmbH, Carport Parkmanagement GmbH).
  • managers of Human Resources at the departments concerned within Companies of Salzburg Airport Group.

6.4 Retention Period
We solely store your personal data for the time period necessary to pursue the aforementioned purpose and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. In case the application is successful, the retention period shall depend on the duration of your subsequent employment. In case the application is unsuccessful, your data is stored for seven months after notification of rejection. Upon request, we may store your application for two years after notification of rejection to inform you about further job vacancies. We shall store your data for seven months starting from the agreed date of entering service in case you do not enter into an employment agreement after successful application.

6.5 Your Rights
Please refer to Article 2 of this Privacy Policy (“Your Rights”) to learn more about your rights regarding the processing of your personal data.

6.6 Data Security
Your personal data is transferred to a database after receipt of the online application and is subsequently deleted from the internet for security purposes. We take appropriate technical and administrative measures to protect your data from manipulation, loss, or destruction. 

Recent Job Offers


7. Other Website Input: Contact Forms, Parking Reservations, Handling Requests, PPR Requests, Prize Draws, Media Portal, Flight Bookings, Car Rentals, Hotel Bookings

This Article of the Privacy Policy specifies how your personal data is processed in relation to the following web forms on this website:

Internal data processing:

7.1 Contact Forms
7.2 Parking Reservations
7.3 Handling Requests
7.4 PPR Requests
7.5 Prize Draws
7.6 Media Portal

External data processing:

7.7 Flight Bookings and other services (via RMK GmbH)
7.8 Car Rentals (via SunnyCars)
7.9 Hotel Bookings (via

This article does not apply to web forms for newsletters (see Article 5) and for job applications (see Article 6). Web forms collect the personal data that you provide yourself. You are not obligated to provide the details requested in the web forms. However, failing to do so may result in restrictions when visiting the website.

7.1 Contact Forms
7.1.1 Outline, Scope, and Purpose of Data Processing
Please find our contact form on the following website: Depending on the topic of your inquiry, one of the following legal entities is the Controller concerned:

  • Salzburger Flughafen GmbH
  • Carport Parkmanagement GmbH
  • Secport Security Services GmbH

The contact details and competencies of the aforementioned legal entities are listed in Article 1 (“Controllers and Contact Details”) of this Privacy Policy. Your inquiry is subsequently forwarded to the competent legal entity within Salzburg Airport Group. The purpose of processing data is to handle your inquiry.

7.1.2 Legal Basis for Data Processing
The legal basis for data processing is your consent in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1a) and – provided contract initiation or contract formation are object of the inquiry – GDPR Article 6(1b) (pertaining to performance of the contract, pre-contractual measures). 
This Privacy Policy also applies to this very type of data processing, in particular Article 7, Article 1 (“Controllers and Contact Details”), Article 2 (“Your Rights”), Article 3 (“Transfer of Personal Data”) and Article 4 (“Retention Period”).

7.2 Parking Reservation
7.2.1 Outline, Scope, and Purpose of Data Processing
Our website provides a form to reserve parking spots (data is collected by our appointed Processor SKIDATA). Salzburger Flughafen GmbH is the Controller concerned for data processing of parking reservations. Please find its contact details in Article 1 (“Controllers and Contact Details”) of this Privacy Policy. The purpose of processing data is to reserve parking spots and to compile statistics about the usage of our parking services for both marketing and documentation purposes.

7.2.2 Legal Basis for Data Processing
The legal basis for data processing is the performance of the parking reservation contract in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1b) and our overriding legitimate interest to compile statistics for the purposes mentioned in Article 7.2.1 of this Privacy Policy in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1f). Further information on data protection related to parking services can be found in Article 19 of this Privacy Policy. 
This Privacy Policy also applies to this very type of data processing, in particular Article 7, Article 1 (“Controllers and Contact Details”), Article 2 (“Your Rights”), Article 3 (“Transfer of Personal Data”) and Article 4 (“Retention Period”).

7.3 Handling Request
7.3.1 Outline, Scope, and Purpose of Data Processing
On our website you can request handling services for your aircraft by submitting the “Handling Request” form. Salzburger Flughafen GmbH is the Controller concerned. Please find contact details in Article 1 (“Controllers and Contact Details”) of this Privacy Policy. The purpose of processing data is to deliver handling services upon your request.

7.3.2 Legal Basis for Data Processing
The legal basis for data processing is your consent in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1a) and contract performance in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1b).

7.3.3 Transfer of Personal Data
Your personal data is not forwarded to third parties.

7.3.4 Retention Period
We solely store your personal data for the time period necessary to pursue the aforementioned purpose. Further information can be found in Article 4 (“Retention Period”) of this Privacy Policy.

7.3.5 Your Rights
Please refer to Article 2 of this Privacy Policy (“Your Rights”) to learn more about your rights regarding the processing of your personal data.

7.4 PPR Request
7.4.1 Outline, Scope, and Purpose of Data Processing
On our website you can request a PPR [Prior Permission Required] necessary to land your aircraft under certain circumstances, by submitting the “PPR Form”. Salzburger Flughafen GmbH is the Controller concerned. The Controller’s contact details are available in Article 1 (“Controllers and Contact Details”) of this Privacy Policy. The purpose of processing data is to grant a PPR landing permission upon your request.

7.4.2 Legal Basis for Data Processing
The legal basis for this data processing is your consent in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1a) and contract performance in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1b).

7.4.3 Transfer of Personal Data
Your personal data is not forwarded to third parties.

7.4.4 Retention Period
We solely store your personal data for the time period necessary to pursue the aforementioned purpose. Further information can be found in Article 4 (“Retention Period”) of this Privacy Policy.

7.4.5 Your Rights
Please refer to Article 2 of this Privacy Policy (“Your Rights”) to learn more about your rights regarding the processing of your personal data.

7.5 Prize Draws
7.5.1 Outline, Scope, and Purpose of Data Processing
On our website [in German] you occasionally get the opportunity to participate in a prize draw. For this type of data processing, Salzburger Flughafen GmbH is the Controller concerned. The Controller’s contact details are available in Article 1 (“Controllers and Contact Details”) of this Privacy Policy. The purpose of processing data is to enable your participation in the prize draw.

7.5.2 Legal Basis for Data Processing
The legal basis for this data processing is your consent in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1a) and contract performance in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1b).

7.5.3 Transfer of Personal Data
Your personal data is not forwarded to third parties.

7.5.4 Retention Period
We solely store your personal data for the time period necessary to pursue the aforementioned purpose. Your personal data shall be deleted not later than three years after the conclusion of the prize draw.

7.5.5 Your Rights
Please refer to Article 2 of this Privacy Policy (“Your Rights”) to learn more about your rights regarding the processing of your personal data.

7.6 Media Portal
7.6.1 Outline, Scope, and Purpose of Data Processing
You can register on our website to download press images. Registration is carried out via a hyperlink to an external website of our partner GmbH. Salzburger Flughafen GmbH is the Controller concerned. The Controller’s contact details are available in Article 1 (“Controllers and Contact Details”) of this Privacy Policy. The purpose of processing data is to provide you with press images upon your request.

7.6.2 Legal Basis for Data Processing
Please refer to Article 2 of this Privacy Policy (“Your Rights”) to learn more about your rights regarding the processing of your personal data.

7.6.3 Transfer of Personal Data
The details provided on the registration form operated by GmbH may be consulted by and may be forwarded to our partner GmbH.

7.6.4 Retention Period
We solely store your personal data for the time period necessary to pursue the aforementioned purpose. Your registration data is automatically deleted as soon as the registration is cancelled or modified.

7.6.5 Your Rights
You have the right to cancel your registration at any time and the right to modify your stored personal data by sending an email to nJ5zo0OjnKu4Yzyi. Please refer to Article 2 of this Privacy Policy (“Your Rights”) to learn more about your rights regarding the processing of your personal data.

7.7 Flight Booking
Our website offers five different web forms enabling you to search for and book flights, package holidays, or rental cars (“flight booking tool”). The flight booking tool is operated by RMK GmbH (Vilbeler Landstraße 203, 60388 Frankfurt/Main, Germany) via an iFrame (= contents of an external website are displayed on this website). RMK GmbH collects and processes the details you provide in the flight booking tool and is the Controller concerned. This type of data processing therefore is subject to the privacy policies and to further terms and conditions implemented by RMK GmbH, accessible next to the flight booking tool on our website.
Liability disclaimer: Salzburger Flughafen GmbH and its subsidiaries (Carport Parkmanagement GmbH, Secport Security Services GmbH) do not process any of your personal data relating to the flight booking tool and are not liable for unlawful conduct of RMK GmbH or its agents. In particular, this applies to the content of privacy policies and other terms and conditions.

7.8 Car Rental
On our website, you will find a web form enabling you to rent a vehicle. The web form is operated by Sunny Cars GmbH (Paul-Gerhardt-Allee 42, 81245 Munich, Germany) via an iFrame (= contents of an external website are displayed on this website). Sunny Cars GmbH collects and processes the details you provide in the flight booking tool and is the Controller concerned. This type of data processing therefore is subject to the privacy policies and to further terms and conditions implemented by Sunny Cars GmbH, accessible next to the flight booking tool on our website.
Liability disclaimer: Salzburger Flughafen GmbH and its subsidiaries (Carport Parkmanagement GmbH, Secport Security Services GmbH) do not process any of your personal data relating to the flight booking tool and are not liable for unlawful conduct of Sunny Cars GmbH or its agents. In particular, this applies to the content of privacy policies and other terms and conditions.

7.9 Hotel Booking
On our website you will find hyperlinks to book an accommodation. By clicking the hyperlinks, you will be forwarded directly to a website operated by B.V. (Herengracht 597, 1017 CE Amsterdam, The Netherlands). B.V. is responsible for website contents and is the Controller for any data entered on this website. This type of data processing therefore is subject to the privacy policies and to further terms and conditions implemented by B.V., accessible on the related website. 
Liability disclaimer: Salzburger Flughafen GmbH and its subsidiaries (Carport Parkmanagement GmbH, Secport Security Services GmbH) do not process any of your personal data relating to the flight booking tool and are not liable for unlawful conduct of B.V. or its agents. In particular, this applies to the content of privacy policies and other terms and conditions. 

8. Log Files

8.1 Outline, Scope, and Purpose of Data Processing
Log files are a file type recording access to a given website. We shall collect the following information when you visit this website: date and time of website access (including the specific URL visited), IP address, name and version of your web browser, the website URL visited before accessing our website, and certain cookies (see Article 9). The Controller concerned for this type of data processing is Salzburger Flughafen GmbH in its capacity as operator of this website (contact details accessible at Article 2 “Controllers and Contact Details” of this Privacy Policy).
The purpose of processing data is to offer you a website service and to recognise, prevent, and analyse attacks on the website. Storing our users’ IP addresses temporarily on our systems is necessary to deliver the website to the user’s device. The respective user’s IP address must remain stored for the duration of the website visit.

8.2 Legal Basis for Data Processing
The legal basis for processing data is our overriding legitimate interest to pursue the aforementioned purposes (in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1f)).

8.3 Transfer of Personal Data
Personal data is disclosed to IT service providers in order to maintain functionality of the online services.

8.4 Retention Period
Data is stored in the server log files of our systems for seven months and is subsequently deleted. This data is not stored in conjunction with other personal details.

8.5 Your Rights
The collection of personal data to offer a website service and the storage of personal data in log files are both necessary for the operation of the website. Therefore, you may only exercise your right to object by not visiting this website.

9. Cookies

9.1 Outline, Scope, and Purpose of Data Processing
This website uses HTTP cookies. An HTTP cookie (“cookie”) is a small file that may be stored on your device when visiting a website. Cookies enable users to access additional functions on a website, e.g. to facilitate website navigation, to resume a website visit on the specific page you last visited, and to save your preferences and settings when returning to a website. Cookies may not access, read, or modify any other files on your device. Cookies may be classified into the following types:

Necessary cookies:
Necessary cookies are required for proper functioning of the website and may not be blocked in our systems. In general, this type of cookies is solely set in response to actions following a service request, e.g. setting your privacy preferences, logging in, or completing web forms. Necessary cookies enable website functionality, assist in tackling security issues, and comply with legal requirements. You can adjust your browser settings in order to block necessary cookies or to be notified about their use. Some sections of the website may not function properly without necessary cookies.

Performance-related cookies (can be deactivated):
Performance-related cookies enable us to analyse website usage in order to evaluate and improve performance. In some cases, performance-related cookies may lead to a quicker processing of your requests and may help saving your preferred website settings. Blocking performance-related cookies may lead to poorly tailored recommendations and slower response times of the website.

Marketing cookies (can be deactivated):
Marketing cookies may be set on our website by our advertising partners and may be used by them to create an interest profile in order to display relevant advertisements on other websites. Marketing cookies function by unique identification of your web browser and device. Blocking marketing cookies may lead to the appearance of advertisements that are less relevant to you, the inability to connect with Facebook, Twitter, or other social media platforms, and the inability to share contents on social media platforms.

Cookie Info

9.2 Legal Basis for Data Processing
The legal basis for processing data by using cookies necessary for website functionality is our legitimate interest to deliver our website services in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1f).
The legal basis for processing personal data by using cookies (that are not necessary for website functionality) for analysis purposes is user consent in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1a). Regarding some cookies not necessary for website functionality, legitimate interest to statistically analyse user behaviour for optimisation and marketing purposes in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1f) must further be considered.

9.3 Transfer of Personal Data
Data is transferred to the party setting the cookies. Please refer to the table in Article 9.1 for further information.

9.4 Retention Period
The majority of cookies on this website are session cookies which are automatically deleted when you leave our website. By contrast, persistent cookies remain stored on your device until you manually delete them from your web browser. We use persistent cookies to recognise you when you visit our website anew. For further information on the retention period for different types of cookies, please refer to the column “Expiration Time” within the table at Article 9.1.

9.5 Your Rights
In case you wish to monitor cookies on your device, you may modify the browser settings to receive a notification when a website requests to store cookies. You may also block or delete cookies already stored on your device. In case you need further information on this process, please consult the “Help” section in the settings of your web browser. Please note that blocking or deleting cookies may impact your online experience and may restrict comprehensive use of website functions.

Please consult the following hyperlinks to find further information on how to modify the cookie settings of your web browser:

You may circumvent manually deleting cookies by surfing in your web browser’s private mode. To do so, please open a new browser window in the following mode: “New Incognito Window” (Google Chrome), “New InPrivate window” (Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge), “New Private Window” (Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari). Notwithstanding the above, you still enjoy the rights specified in Article 2 of this Privacy Policy.

10. AccessWidget

10.1 Outline, Scope, and Purpose of Data Processing
In order to provide the best possible digital accessibility of the website service, Salzburger Flughafen GmbH uses the services of AccessiWay GmbH (based in Vienna, Austria). The purpose of processing data is to enable barrier-free access to the website.

10.2 Legal Basis for Data Processing
The legal basis for processing data is the performance of a contract or of pre-contractual measures in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1b) and GDPR Article 6(1c). Data processing is necessary to fulfil the legal obligation of the Controller.

10.3 Transfer of Personal Data
In order to provide you with a technically barrier-free access to the website, purely technical data is transferred to the server of accessiBe Ltd. (based in Israel, GDPR-compliant by adequacy decision) at its EU server location in Brussels, Belgium (GDPR-compliant with Standard Contractual Clause). Solely the IP address, user agent (web browser), and HTTP referrer are transferred. This data is encrypted in SSL3 and shall be immediately deleted after retrieving the technical information pertaining to accessibility.

10.4 Retention Period
No data is stored and no cookies are set or stored. The data transfer is purely technical and serves to technically deploy a barrier-free website.

10.5 Your Rights
Please refer to Article 2 of this Privacy Policy (“Your Rights”) to learn more about your rights regarding the processing of your personal data.


11. Social Media Plug-ins

11.1 Outline, Scope, and Purpose of Data Processing
This Article of the Privacy Policy informs you about data processing as regards social media platforms. Various sections of the website contain social media plug-ins (e.g. the icons of Facebook and Twitter). The purpose of processing data is to enable your use of social media plug-in features.

11.2 Legal Basis for Data Processing
The legal basis for processing data is your consent to activate social media plug-ins as described in Article 11.1 in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1a).

11.3 Transfer of Personal Data
When activated, social media plug-ins transfer your IP address, the current website URL, and cookies to the corresponding social media platform (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). On this website, we ensure that social media plug-ins may only transfer data in case you request activation by deactivating social media plug-ins by default. In case you wish to activate social media plug-ins, please click on the slider button “Activate Sharing”, which enables icons to be clicked on. The icon further must actually be clicked to use its features. The Controller concerned is Salzburger Flughafen GmbH as operator of this website. Salzburger Flughafen GmbH is responsible for data transfer as described above to the operators of social media platforms (see Article 1 “Controllers and Contact Details” of this Privacy Policy for further information).
Liability disclaimer: Please note that we do neither take any further data processing measures beyond the transfer of data, nor may control the use of personal data by social media platform operators, nor are liable for unlawful conduct of social media platform operators or their agents. In particular, this applies to the contents of privacy policies and further terms and conditions of social media platforms. 

12. Google Analytics 4

12.1 Outline, Scope, and Purpose of Data Processing
This website uses Google Analytics 4, a web analytics service operated by Google Ireland Limited (based in Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland) (“Google”). Google Analytics 4 uses HTTP cookies (“cookies”), which are text files stored on your device and enable analysis of website use.
This website makes use of IP anonymisation, a feature of Google Analytics 4. Your IP address is shortened or de-identified by Google as soon as Google receives your IP address. Google Analytics 4 does neither log nor store IP addresses. On our behalf, Google shall use this information to analyse your usage of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to deliver further services associated with website and internet usage. In this context, the IP address sent by your web browser is not consolidated with other data by Google.
The Controller concerned for processing data related to Google Analytics 4 is Salzburger Flughafen GmbH as operator of this website (see Article 1 “Controllers and Contact Details” of this Privacy Policy for further information).

12.2 Legal Basis for Data Processing
The legal basis for using log files and cookies is solely your express consent in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1a). In case consent is not granted, the use of log files and cookies shall not be permitted.

12.3 Transfer of Personal Data
Information on your usage of this website generated by cookies (including your IP address and the URLs of accessed websites) are transferred to and stored at servers of Google in the United States.

12.4 Retention Period
We do not store any data collected in relation to Google Analytics 4.

12.5 Your Rights
You may block data analytics in our cookie settings. You may further block the storage of cookies by modifying the corresponding settings in your web browser. Please note that you might not be able to use all website functions comprehensively. Moreover, you may block Google Analytics 4 from collecting your data by downloading and installing the web browser plug-in available at the following weblink:

Further information on the terms and conditions of Google and its privacy policy are available at

13. Google Maps

13.1 Outline, Scope, and Purpose of Data Processing
This website uses Google Maps to depict interactive maps and to provide directions. Google Maps is a web mapping service by Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Republic of Ireland). Please consult the privacy policy of Google ( for further information on the purpose and scope of data collection, on processing and usage of data by Google as well as on your rights and setting options to protect your privacy. Google LLC is an active participant of Privacy Shield ( This means your personal data is adequately protected following a decision of the European Commission in accordance with GDPR Article 45.

13.2 Transfer of Personal Data
By using Google Maps, information on your usage of this website may be transferred to Google in the United States of America, including your IP address and the physical address entered into the route planner. In case you visit one of our websites containing a Google Maps window, your web browser will establish a direct connection to Google servers. Map contents are directly transferred to your web browser by Google and embedded on the website by your web browser, thus we cannot control the scope of data collected by Google via this means. According to our best knowledge, at least the following details are collected:

  • date and time of website visit,
  • URL of the viewed website,
  • IP address,
  • physical address entered into the route planner.

Liability disclaimer: We may not control further use of data by Google and may thus not be held liable in this regard.

13.3 Your Rights
If you do not want Google to collect personal data via our website for further processing and use, you can deactivate JavaScript in your web browser settings. This will prevent you from using the services provided by Google Maps.

14. YouTube

14.1 Outline, Scope, and Purpose of Data Processing
This website uses the services of YouTube to display videos embedded within enhanced privacy mode (“nocookie”). YouTube is a video-sharing website and streaming service provided by Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Republic of Ireland). For further information on the purpose and scope of data collection, on processing and usage of data by Google as well as on your rights and setting options to protect your privacy, please consult the privacy policy of Google ( Google LLC is an active participant of Privacy Shield ( This means your personal data is adequately protected following a decision of the European Commission in accordance with GDPR Article 45.

14.2 Transfer of Personal Data
By viewing videos delivered by YouTube, information on your usage of this website may be transferred to Google in the United States of America. In case you visit one of our websites and view an embedded YouTube video, your web browser will establish a direct connection to Google servers. The video data is directly transferred to your web browser by Google and embedded on the website by your web browser, thus we cannot control the scope of data collected by Google via this means. According to our best knowledge, at least the following details are collected:

  • date and time of website visit,
  • URL of the viewed website,
  • IP address,
  • viewed video and video settings. 

Liability disclaimer: We may not control further use of data by Google and may thus not be held liable in this regard.

14.3 Your Rights
If you do not want Google to collect your personal data via our website for further processing and use, you can deactivate JavaScript in your web browser settings. This may prevent you from viewing YouTube videos.


15. Phone Calls and Emails

15.1 Outline, Scope, and Purpose of Data Processing
When contacting us via telephone call or email, we will collect and process your personal details in most cases (e.g. name, email address, telephone number, flight number). The purpose of processing data is to answer your inquiry. The Controller concerned for this type of data processing is one of the following legal entities, depending on the topic of your inquiry:

  • Salzburger Flughafen GmbH
  • Carport Parkmanagement GmbH
  • Secport Security Services GmbH

Please refer to Article 1 (“Controllers and Contact Details”) of this Privacy Policy for contact details and competencies of the legal entities listed above. Your inquiry is internally forwarded to the Controller concerned. In case you wish to learn more about the processing of your personal data, please contact the respective Controller. In case of doubt, please contact Salzburger Flughafen GmbH (see Article 1).

15.2 Legal Basis for Data Processing
The legal basis for data processing is your consent in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1a) and – provided contract initiation or formation are object of the inquiry – GDPR Article 6(1b) (pertaining to contract performance and pre-contractual measures). 
This Privacy Policy also applies to this very type of data processing. in particular Article 15, Article 1 (“Controllers and Contact Details”), Article 2 (“Your Rights”), Article 3 (“Transfer of Personal Data”) and Article 4 (“Retention Period”).

16. Film Shoots and Photographs

16.1 Outline, Scope, and Purpose of Data Processing
You may be depicted on photographs and video footage when attending events at Salzburg Airport (e.g. Familientag, Airportlauf, events held by third parties at amadeus terminal 2), when visiting Salzburg Airport for other purposes and when performing professional tasks at the Airport (e.g. as an Airport employee, as an agent of maintenance or building companies performing tasks at the Airport). 
This Privacy Policy applies to photographs and video footage produced by Salzburger Flughafen GmbH or its subsidiaries (see Article 1) in their capacity as Controllers, e.g. at events held by Salzburg Airport Group. This Privacy Policy does not apply to photographs and video footage produced by third parties for their own purposes at Salzburg Airport, e.g. during third-party events held at amadeus terminal 2.
The purposes of processing data are to document events taking place at Salzburg Airport within Salzburg Airport Group and public relations purposes (i.e. presenting activities of Salzburger Flughafen GmbH and its subsidiaries to the public). Photographs and video footage may also be published by us, e.g. on our website or in printed media.
In most cases, the Controller concerned for processing your personal data regarding photographs and video footage is Salzburger Flughafen GmbH. In exceptional cases, one of the following legal entities may be the Controller concerned:

  • Carport Parkmanagement GmbH
  • Secport Security Services GmbH

Please refer to Article 1 (“Controllers and Contact Details”) of this Privacy Policy for contact details and competencies of the legal entities listed above. Your inquiry is internally forwarded to the Controller concerned. In case you wish to learn more about the processing of your personal data, please contact the respective Controller. In case of doubt, please contact Salzburger Flughafen GmbH (see Article 1).

16.2 Legal Basis for Data Processing
In case you gave us consent to process your data, the applicable legal basis is GDPR Article 6(1a). 
In case we enter into a contract with you (e.g. for a film shoot), the usage of your recordings and other personal data to perform a contract within the conditions of use and exploitations stated in the contract. In this case, GDPR Article 6(1b) is the applicable legal basis for consent of data processing.
Producing photographs, video footage, or audio recordings at events without your consent and without contract formation only occurs in case of legitimate interest in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1f). Legitimate interest may consist in documenting and informing about events taking place at Salzburg Airport, e.g. in accordance with DSG Section 12(2 no. 4).In addition to the original purpose of recordings, we reserve the right to store recordings and affiliated data for documentation and archiving purposes, unless prohibited by contractual or legal requirements.  In this case, our legitimate interest in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1f) is to keep records on the history of Salzburg Airport. 
In case we process data in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1f), we shall always assess if there are overriding interests by you that conflict with data usage in a specific case.
This Privacy Policy also applies to this very type of data processing, in particular Article 16, Article 1 (“Controllers and Contact Details”), Article 2 (“Your Rights”), Article 3 (“Transfer of Personal Data”), and Article 4 (“Retention Period”).

17. Video Surveillance at Salzburg Airport

17.1 Outline, Scope, and Purpose of Data Processing
The operation of our Airport requires numerous safety and security measures. Video surveillance is employed to ensure your personal safety.

17.1.1 Video Surveillance at Salzburg Airport
Secport Security Services GmbH and Salzburger Flughafen GmbH are both Controllers concerned (within the meaning of GDPR) regarding video surveillance at Salzburg Airport, except for parking areas (see Article 17.1.2.). For further information, please contact the Controllers (contact details see Article 1). Video surveillance monitors the entire airport operation, in particular to pursue the following purposes: 

  • to avoid infringements regarding the Schengen agreement, 
  • to monitor and assess potentially dangerous events and situations,
  • to discover suspicious luggage items,
  • to maintain protection of property and of persons present on the Airport area, and
  • to prevent, contain, and investigate criminal offences, 

including the subsequent evaluation of video surveillance recordings according to the purpose of the given case.

17.1.2 Video Surveillance at Parking Areas
Carport Parkmanagement GmbH is responsible for video surveillance in the parking areas, i.e. covered car park and open-air parking (see Article 19).

17.2 Legal Basis for Data Processing
The legal basis for video surveillance recordings is our legitimate interest to pursue the aforementioned purposes, especially to prevent, contain, and investigate criminal offences (in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1f)) in conjunction with DSG Section 12).

17.3 Transfer of Personal Data
Personal data may be disclosed to one or several of the following recipients on a case-by-case basis:

  • the competent authority or court (to perpetuate evidence in criminal law cases),
  • security agencies (for security police purposes),
  • courts (to perpetuate evidence in civil law cases), 
  • insurance companies (to handle insurance claims exclusively).

17.4 Retention Period
We shall store video surveillance data for a maximum of 72 hours, unless a longer retention period is necessary in a given case (e.g. the video recording perpetuates evidence of a criminal offence).

17.5 Your Rights
Video surveillance is implemented on the basis of compelling legitimate grounds relating to pursuing the aforementioned purposes, especially to prevent, contain, and investigate criminal offences. Moreover, video surveillance serves to enforce, exercise, and assert legal claims. Therefore, you may not effectively exercise your right to object.

18. Airport ID Cards

18.1 Outline, Scope, and Purpose of Data Processing
This Article provides information on the usage of your data regarding Airport ID cards permitting access to non-public areas of Salzburg Airport. You may request the issuing of an Airport ID at (German-language website).
In order to obtain an Airport ID, you are required to undergo reliability checks in accordance with Regulation (EU) 300/2008, Regulation (EU) 2015/1998, and LFG (Austrian Aviation Act, Luftfahrtgesetz) Section 134a. For further information please contact us via our physical mail address, via phone call (+43/(0)662/8580-171 and +43/(0)662/8580-170), or via email (MTS0MJ5mL2u1qUcNp2SfrzW1pzpgLJylpT9lqP5uqN==). 
We shall process the data you provide when applying for an Airport ID card. You are not required to provide this data. However, failing to do so may result in the Airport ID card not being issued. For security reasons, we further process your portrait photograph (printed onto the Airport ID card) and your access data (i.e. the number of your Airport ID card in conjunction with the usage dates and times). 
The purpose of processing data is to issue an Airport ID card and related reliability checks, to monitor access to non-public areas of the Airport for security purposes, and to perform safety and security training. 
The Controller concerned for data processing is Salzburger Flughafen GmbH. Please find the respective contact details in Article 1 of this Privacy Policy.

18.2 Legal Basis for Data Processing
The legal basis for processing data is fulfilling our legal obligations in accordance with GDP Art. 6 para. 1c) in conjunction with Regulation (EU) 300/2008, Regulation (EU) 2015/1998, and LFG (Austrian Aviation Act, Luftfahrtgesetz) Section 134a. Moreover, the contractual obligations between you and Salzburg Airport Group for the usage of our civil airport that requires data processing are part of the legal basis (see Article 1.2.5. of our Civil Airport Conditions of Use, available in German language at
18.3 Transfer of Personal Data
In line with the aforementioned purposes, our personal data may be transferred to the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK, Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie), the General Directorate for State Protection and Intelligence (DSN, Direktion Staatsschutz und Nachrichtendienst), the Austrian Federal Ministry of Interior (BMI, Bundesministerium für Inneres), to security authorities, to subsidiaries of Salzburg Airport Group, and to IT service providers.

18.4 Retention Period
Personal data is only stored for the time period foreseen by legal requirements and to pursue the aforementioned purposes. In general, your personal data remains stored for five years after having left Salzburg Airport Group.

18.5 Your Rights
Please refer to Article 2 of this Privacy Policy (“Your Rights”) to learn more about your rights regarding the processing of your personal data.

19. Parking

19.1 Outline, Scope, and Purpose of Data Processing
This Article of the Privacy Policy informs you on the processing of your personal data when parking at Salzburg Airport. For online parking reservations, your contracting partner and Controller concerned is Salzburger Flughafen GmbH (see Article 1 “Controllers and Contact Details”). If you did NOT reserve your parking space online, your contracting partner and Controller concerned is Carport Parkmanagement GmbH (see Article 1 “Controllers and Contact Details”).
The following personal data related to parking may be processed, depending on the parking modality:

  • Short-term parking (parking space usage contract is formed by purchasing an entry permit): Solely the vehicle number plate is processed by automatic number plate recognition (see below). For online parking reservations, personal details entered into the form for parking space reservations at are also processed.
  • Permanent parking including taxi drivers with permanent parking card or prepaid parking card (parking space usage contract is formed in writing with us): The data that you provide at the time of contract formation and the vehicle number plate (for automatic number plate recognition, see below) are processed.
  • In any case (independently of the selected parking modality) your personal data may be processed due to video surveillance recordings in the entire parking area that may recognisably depict you on video recordings. 

You are not obligated to provide your personal details. However, in case you fail to do so, you may not be able to use our parking area. 
Regarding data you provide yourself, the purpose of data processing is to fulfil the parking space usage contract formed with you and to reserve a parking space (for online parking reservations). Furthermore, we compile anonymised statistics on the usage of our parking offer for marketing and documentation purposes.
Regarding automatic number plate recognition, the purpose of data processing is to prevent misuse of parking tickets and to document evidence of entry time for clients. However, proper functioning of the automatic number plate recognition is not guaranteed (e.g. due to system failure).
Regarding video surveillance, the purpose of data processing is to prevent persons and objects within our publicly accessible parking areas that are subject to internal regulations and further to identify legal breaches. Such preventive measures are required due to previous occurrences of legal breaches and the particular risk exposure of a civil airport.

19.2 Legal Basis for Data Processing
Regarding data you provide yourself, the legal basis for processing data is the fulfilment of the parking space usage contract or the parking reservation contract in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1b).
Regarding automatic number plate recognition, the legal basis for processing data is our overriding legitimate interest in accordance with GDPR Art. 6 para. 1f) in conjunction with DSG Section 12(2 no. 2). Our legitimate interest consists in the preventing misuse of parking tickets and documenting evidence of entry time for clients. However, proper functioning of the automatic number plate recognition is not guaranteed (e.g. due to system failure).
Regarding video surveillance, the legal basis for processing data is our overriding legitimate interest in accordance with GDPO Art. 6 para. 1f) in conjunction with DSG Section 12(3 no. 2). Our legitimate interest consists in the preventive measures to protect persons and objects and in the ability to identify legal breaches. These measures are considered legitimate due to the particular risk exposure of a civil airport.

19.3 Transfer of Personal Data
In order to pursue an aforementioned purpose and in case of reasonable suspicion, the data collected via video surveillance and/or automatic number plate recognition may be forwarded to the competent authority to prosecute criminal offences (e.g. due to an investigation initiated by a complaint or due to information provided by a client). Moreover, your data may be forwarded to our Processor SKIDATA AG (Untersbergstraße 40, 5083 Grödig, Austria). 
For online parking reservations, your data is forwarded to our subsidiary Carport Parkmanagement GmbH (Innsbrucker Bundesstraße 95, 5020 Salzburg, Austria) and to our payment service provider Payone GmbH (Lyoner Straße 9, 60528 Frankfurt/Main, Germany), if necessary for the processing purpose.

19.4 Retention Period
Data you provide yourself is stored for the time period we require the data provided to fulfil the contract or for the legal retention period. Data regarding permanent parking is generally stored for seven years after contract formation (legal retention period). Regarding short-term parking, personal data (e.g. first and last name) is only collected when reserving a parking space on our website. This data is also generally stored for seven years (legal retention period).
Data collected by the automatic number plate recognition is deleted automatically no later than 72 hours after exiting the parking area with the vehicle, unless legitimate reasons (e.g. suspected criminal offence) justify a longer retention period. This excludes special agreements with clients in possession of several permanent parking cards with billing based on the number plate. In this case, data on entry and exit of the parking area are stored for the time period required for billing. 
Data collected by video surveillance are deleted automatically no later than 72 hours after having been recorded unless legitimate reasons (e.g. suspected criminal offence) justify a longer retention period.

19.5 Your Rights
Please refer to Article 2 of this Privacy Policy (“Your Rights”) to learn more about your rights regarding the processing of your personal data.

20. General Aviation Handling Service

This Article of the Privacy Policy informs you on the processing of your personal data by Salzburger Flughafen GmbH relating to our General Aviation Handling Service.

20.1 Outline, Scope, and Purpose of Data Processing
We process personal data to offer our General Aviation Handling Service and to issue invoices for our services. This data includes first and last name, email address, telephone number, physical address, aircraft registration number, and VAT identification number (UID, Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer).
The purpose of processing personal data is to correspond with customers and to issue invoices (bimonthly and monthly invoices).

20.2 Legal Basis for Data Processing
The legal basis is contract performance in accordance with GDPR Article 6(1b).

20.3 Transfer of Personal Data
Your data is not transferred to third parties.

20.4 Retention Period
Customer correspondence: Your personal data collected during the correspondence is stored for the period required to process the specific inquiry. 
Invoicing: Your personal data required to issue an invoice is stored for seven years in accordance with Austrian Tax Code BAO Section 132(1) (Bundesabgabenordnung).

20.5 Your Rights
Please refer to Article 2 of this Privacy Policy (“Your Rights”) to learn more about your rights regarding the processing of your personal data.

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